Ebola. The very word scares us all. With thousands dead in West Africa and the recent death of Thomas Duncan in Texas who then infected two staff nurses at the hospital where he was being treated, what should we know about Ebola? And how can we prepare for new cases or other transmittable diseases that frighten us to death?
Rev. Dr. Gloria Cater to the rescue. Veteran nurse. Retired college Dean. Minister to those in need. Dr. Cater will be a Roundtable Presenter at the November 6th Multicultural Conference at UMass Boston. She’ll be on hand to detail the timeline of Ebola, while addressing its impact for a healthcare perspective. It’s a session you won’t want to miss. State Street Corporation is the LEAD SPONSOR of the Multicultural Symposium Series. Gloria Harris Cater, PhD, RN, FNP-BC,’10 was the first African-American graduate of the PhD Program at University of Massachusetts Boston. She is the Dean Emerita of the Health Science Division at Roxbury Community College. Her research interests are Faith Community Nursing and its Impact on chronic disease in the African American community, and the retention of African American nursing students. She is an ordained minister in the African Methodist Episcopal Church and serves as the Minister for Health and Wellness at Charles St. A.M.E. Church in Roxbury. She is a member of the New England Regional Black Nurses Association and the Faith Based Cancer Disparities Network at Dana Farber Cancer Institute. She is also a Consultant to the Dotson Program at the Simmons College School of Nursing. We hope that YOU will attend this upcoming conference. It will be held at the University of Massachusetts - Boston Campus on Thursday November 6, 2014 from 8am to 3pm. Tickets are only $99, which includes a 12 month membership in the Multicultural Symposium Series. Click Here to register for the Multicultural Conference. Click Here to learn more about the Multicultural Conference. For further information contact Carole Copeland Thomas at 508 947-5755 or email [email protected]
By Nancy J. Lewis, MS, PHR, RCC In our complex world of constant change and turbulence, it is important to find the M & M’s of life. The current climate of the day is downsizing, outsizing, resizing in so many organizations that we are unsure what the next day will bring. By the time you read this article, we may be at war where many families are now separated because men and women have gone to serve our country. The world is full of chaos and challenge, but you must determine within yourself to find the M & M’s of life.
The M & M’s of life are Motivation and Momentum. We must commit to being motivated to achieve the goals and dreams that life has to offer. We must be willing to allow the motivation we have to propel us forward and keep the momentum going. As you reflect on the M & M’s of life consider some of the following points to help you in your quest of maintaining your personal motivation. M- mindset It is so important to consider the mindset we hold each day. What is your mindset when you get up in the morning? What do you do to maintain a positive mindset for the day? What do you feed your mind early in the morning? What works for me is beginning my day with prayer and positive thoughts and reading inspirational material. There will be plenty of time throughout the day to find out what is happening in the world. Starting my day with positive thoughts allows me to stay centered and at peace. It is important that each person finds what works for him or her to maintain a positive mindset. O- overcomer People must see themselves as an overcomer when faced with the difficulties of the day. Trials and tests will come, but when you are focused on the positive things of life and have the momentum going, you can have victory in your present situation. Maintain the perspective that this challenge is an opportunity for you to be an overcomer. It will cause you to look within and find strengths and abilities you had forgotten were there. Then watch the growth you will have and soar! T- totally committed It is vital that you are totally committed to accomplishing the goals you have set for yourself. Don’t allow the roadblocks of life to keep you from achieving all that life has in store for you. It is imperative that you are sold out for doing the hard work that will be required to make your dreams come true. What are you willing to do to get what you want is a question you must keep in front of you. When you are totally committed it is not about how you feel that keeps you going; it is your commitment level to finish the task or assignment. I- integrity Integrity is essential in living a purpose driven life. Do you keep promises and commitments? Do you do what you say you will do? Do you walk the talk? Integrity is about being real and true to your core values. It may require you saying things that are not popular. A true test of integrity is what you do when no one is watching and also what your friends and family say about you in your absence. Integrity is about making sure your words and deeds line up. Consider a scale of one to ten, where one is low and ten is high. Where would your integrity-rating fall? V- victorious It is necessary to believe in your heart that you can have the victory in whatever your situation is. You may feel like you are all alone and walking in the valley. It is at this time you must resolve within yourself that though you are in the valley at this time, you have the momentum and are climbing your way back to the mountaintop. Find your spiritual grounding and get anchored in knowing that our conditions in life don’t remain the same. We may be in a storm in for a season, but remember the seasons change as will our circumstance. A- attitude It’s been said life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you respond to it. What is the attitude you embrace each day? What factors influence your attitude? Attitude is how you respond to what life sends your way. If it rains outside does that alter your attitude or do you carry your weather within? Be careful of the people you associate with because some people have bad attitudes that spill out on you. These people are often called toxic because they will do whatever they can to change your positive attitude to one that is negative. Your attitude determines whether people want to be around you. Who do you know that gravitates and longs to be around negative people? I rest my case. Look for ways you can maintain an attitude that is positive and worth catching. Smile more, do random acts of kindness, be polite and courteous to others, read positive literature are just a few of the things you can do to keep the momentum going and your attitude positive. T- time-management mastery Find ways to effectively manage your time. Don’t allow procrastination, laziness, or other peoples’ agendas to keep you from accomplishing what you want out of life. Remember if you don’t master your time someone else will. We only get 24 hours a day. Are you making the most out of the time you have? Learn the importance of prioritizing the tasks you have to complete and then begin to chisel away at them until they are done. Mastery of your time is essential if you are to keep the momentum going and moving forward in a positive productive way. I- innovative So often we get stuck in the way things have always been done. That is when creativity and innovation are vital to getting us out of that rut. We need to open our mind to new ways of doing things and entertain out of the box thinking, sometimes called green light thinking. It is through some of these innovative times, that some of the greatest ideas have evolved. O- optimistic Do you see the glass half empty or half full? What is your perspective on life? Maintaining an optimistic viewpoint is helpful in journeying through this maze of life with all its twists and turns. Realize that some days you will be tested on keeping an optimistic outlook. You have to remember that this is not a practice game. It is the real deal. It is important to remember that where you are today is not where you will end up tomorrow. Keeping focused and optimistic is a way to maintain your momentum in life. N- nurturer In order for your garden to grow, you must cultivate and nurture that garden. This means watering it, fertilizing it, loving it, and whatever else is necessary to have a good harvest. The same is true with our minds. We must cultivate and nourish our minds as well. Failure to do that allows weeds to grow and choke the life out. You must evaluate your life and determine how you can nurture those things that are most important to you. Then just do it! When you do, watch the great harvest you will have in your life. Revisit and review these practical points on Motivation throughout the year. When you apply them to your life you can maintain your Momentum and go to higher heights. Commit to the M & M’s and enhance the quality of your life. Nancy J. Lewis is the president of Progressive Techniques, Inc. where the theme of her company is “Developing a Better YOU! Nancy can be reached at (770) 964-5533, e-mail: [email protected] and website: www.progressivetechniquesinc.com ===================== Your Comments Are Welcome! By Debra W. Gould, MS Building positive workplace relationships is vital for career success. Relationships can positively or negatively affect your satisfaction with the job, your ability to advance and to gain recognition for your achievements. When you build positive relationships, you feel more comfortable with your interactions and less intimidated by others. You feel a closer bond to the people with whom you spend the majority of your time working. We are sharing these tips that will help you lay the foundation for positive work relationships. The good news is they are easy to implement--so start today. 1. Share more of yourself at meetings. One of the best ways to build relationships is to let others know who you are. This can come by sharing your expertise, knowledge and personality at meetings. Other people will either get to know you, like you or want to hear more from you. They will find you more approachable and thus the chance of building relationships begins to occur. If you are fearful to share at meetings, think ahead of time what you want to say so that you are more prepared. 2. Speak positively about the people you work with, especially to your boss. Get in the habit of speaking positively to others and providing quality feedback about the people you work with; don't fall into the trap of bonding over misery. Many times the information that gets shared (whether positive or negative) comes back to the person who is being discussed. People will enjoy hearing that you have said supportive things about them and will know that you are on their side. That will build trust. 3. Be supportive of other people's work. Ask how you can get involved. This will form a closer connection because you are working directly with them to help them meet their goals. They will appreciate your support and get to know you better, which is vital to creating a more connected working relationship. 4. Ask others to become involved in your projects or activities. Don't be afraid to ask others for help and bring them onto your projects. The more they can participate in the activities you are working on, the better you get to know each other. You'll enjoy working with others in getting more things done. 5. Write thank-you notes. Write notes of appreciation to the people who are doing exemplary work, making positive contributions and going above the call of duty. These notes can be handwritten, sent via email or left on voicemail. Send them to people above you, below you or at the peer level. Colleagues like to be appreciated and will feel closer to you by having been noticed and thanked for their contributions. ================== Debra W. Gould, MS is the president of Debra Gould & Associates, Inc. based in New Orleans and provides management consulting and training services to commercial and government clients. Debra is one of the founders of The Ebony Speakers and co-author of the book, Real Women, Real Issues - Positive Collaborations For Business Success. Debra can be reached at: (504) 244-6576, email: [email protected] and website: www:gouldassoc.com ====================== Your Comments Are Welcome! |
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